17 March, 2013

Previously I wired a radio clock via a gertboard into my raspberry pi.

Since then, I figured out that I didn't need the gertboard there, and so now the clock is connected to my other "production" Pi directly onto the GPIO pins.

I've also put the C code I use to interface the radio into ntpd onto github. I needed to copy it from one Pi to the other, and doing it via github means you can download it too now. (yes, I know there are other implementations of MSF decoding around, but I wanted to write the code myself - this is supposed to be fun!)

10 March, 2013

radio clock NTP server

I've got a couple of Raspberry Pi(e?)s. One I'm using for real server stuff like DNS. The other is for hacking around on. I got a gertboard for it, but hadn't wired anything else up. Then I saw this MSF radio time receiver (for 9 GBP) which is intended to receive 60kHz time broadcasts from the UK National Physical Laboratory.

When I was a teenager, a radio clock was a cool thing that I never had. Then later I got an internet connection, and with it NTP, and so I got geek-time a different way. So I never got an MSF clock until now.

The receiver plugs into the Gertboard (actually it can maybe plug directly in to the Pi's GPIO pins without a Gertboard in the way - I'm not sure) and presents a 1-bit serial signal that is the demodulated 60kHz signal. This is a slightly strange looking signal mostly consisting of 100ms of no carrier, two bits at 100ms each then 700ms of carrier, with 60 seconds of data being enough to transmit the current time.

There was some fiddling soldering to do to get the pins connected - turns out 10y old crocodile clips don't cut it. My father, being better than me at soldering, put those on for me. I cut two of the Gertboard's jumper cables in half so that I'd have wires which connect straight onto Gertboard pins.

The layer above that needs to run in software, at least in my setup.

The first program was a scope program that output * for 1 and . for 0 to the console 80 times a second or so, with a CR every second, to give a line-by-line view of the time. That showed the signal pretty clearly, like this:

The short lines are when there's a sync pulse only, and the long lines are when there's a 1-bit immediately following the sync pulse.

The second program used a minute-long circular buffer as a shift register (thanks to Dave_H from the #a&a for that suggestion), and tries to decode time when one end of the buffer looks like the start-of-minute sync pattern. This was able to pretty accurately decode the time. I didn't implement parity checking or other error checking (for example, checking the sync pattern is exactly right) because of that accuracy, which gave trouble later on when I moved the antenna around. Thats something I could implement, and give out some accuracy metric. This took a few hours to code in C (yes, I wrote something in a language that wasn't Haskell). The code is pretty inefficient because it hard polls the GPIO pin. There is some edge triggering available in the Pi's GPIO implementation so I could investigate that. So that ended up as a program which outputs the current time every minute, to the console.

Next, I wanted to connect this with ntpd, so that I could compare the time with other internet time sources, and share the MSF signal with other hosts on the same LAN. ntpd has a facility for connecting "reference clocks" which are sources of time that are not other ntp servers. One of those, the SHMEM driver, communicates with a separate process using a shared memory buffer. So I got to learn about Linux shared memory (indexed using integer keys, I discover, rather than as nodes the file system). For that protocol, basically you stuff the current system clock time and the current received radio time into two fields in that shared memory, every time you get a clock reading. That was a straightforward addition to my second program.

So here's what the hardware setup looks like. The big board is the gertboard. Under it with the big wires is the Pi. The tiny tiny board held in the air by the jumpers is the MSF receiver board, and the big metal rod at the front is the antenna.

And here's what I see in ntpd:

 $ ntpq -pn
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+2001:8b0:0:53::     2 u   38   64  177   27.872   -4.596   8.680
-2001:8b0:7c:1:2     3 u   39   64  177    0.597   -2.285   8.710
+2001:8b0:7c:1:b     3 u   37   64  177    1.000   -3.868   8.395
*    .MSF.            0 l   44   64   17    0.000  -23.730   6.885
where NTP has recently synced to the MSF driver (with fake IP address Its about 20ms different from the network-connected NTP servers (see the offest column). Its difficult to know how much of that is from NTP over-the-network inaccuracies and how much is from my code, but I suspect the bulk of it is from my MSF code - my polling just isn't accurate enough at the moment, and my parsing has some weird time alignment stuff in it.

All in all, good fun and blinkenlights!

p.s. you're welcome to point your own ntp servers at this for fun. Add server tyne.cqx.ltd.uk to your /etc/ntpd.conf

p.p.s. is it sad that I can decode those octal reachability fields in my head.

scripting languages

another half-serious entry to the scripting languages vs programming languages debate: a scripting language is one which has decent string handling, rather than telling you to man-up.