31 August, 2017

Raspberry Pi Zero W + cam timelapse

I got a Raspberry Pi Zero W and a camera module.

I wanted a timelapse video.

This is how I did it:

Capture a sequence of image frames

This will capture a sequence of images (forever) approximately every minute, with the filename being a unix timestamp.

while true; do raspi-still -o $(date +%s).jpeg ; sleep 60s; done

Leave this to run for as long as you want to collect frames, and you'll end up with a bunch of numerically named files, like this:

$ ls

Combine the sequence of image frames into a jpeg

After you've got all the frames you want, use ffmpeg to join the frames together. I do this on a different Linux box (my laptop) but you should be able to do it on the Pi too.

First make a command file listing all the jpeg files:

ls *jpeg | while read a ; do echo file $a; done > e.cmd

Next, feed that command file into ffmpeg to generate a video:

ffmpeg -f concat -i e.cmd -b:v 1500000 -r 24 -c:v libx264 e8.mp4

As a result, the output video should be in e8.mpg which is in a form suitable for playing with vlc or uploading to YouTube.

20 August, 2017

An income tax explorer, using R and Shiny

I got carried away with my R code for plotting income tax rates, and now it is an interactive webapp https://benc.shinyapps.io/r-income-tax/ using Shiny, a web framework for turning your R code into a website. Thanks Tom Nielsen for convincing me (in this talk about making a Haskell port of Shiny) to try it out.

18 August, 2017

A first project in R / UK income tax graphs

The UK income tax system has a progressive tax rate that gets higher as your income is higher. However it has a few quirks. I've been meaning to graph the effective rates, and today I felt like learning a bit more R to do it. I've included income related student loan repayments and National Insurance because they are, to some extent, income-tax-like.

The code at https://github.com/benclifford/r-income-tax can generate the following three graphs:

Marginal income tax rates, coloured by component, for varying income:

Total tax, for varying income:

Fraction of income taken as tax, for varying income: