28 January, 2021

berlin strava openstreetmap mashup

I made a mashup (so last decade) of my strava rides since I've been in Berlin.

You can see it here: http://www.hawaga.org.uk/ben/berlinmap/.

It uses leaflet.js to draw the map, Open Street Map to provide the base street map, Strava on my phone to record my rides, and jpravetz' strava CLI to get the data out of Strava and into a file.

04 January, 2021

commandline editing for zoom meetups

In the last year, I've helped host a bunch of meetups and conferences on Zoom. We've recorded them, and I wanted to turn each talk into a separate YouTube video.

Zoom can give you a giant MP4 of the whole session, and I wanted to cut that video into pices.

A few times, I tried using OpenShot but: my laptop struggled to cope with the load; the UI was focused on more interesting editing than what I wanted; that UI isn't natural for me, who spends 99% of my time not using editing software.

I figured out a workflow that worked better for me:

  • Use VLC on the giant MP4 to quickly identify the start and end times for each talk.
  • Make an ffmpeg command line for each talk, for example:
    ffmpeg -i day1.mp4 -ss 2:31:54 -to 2:47:07 day1-7-madany.mp4
    ffmpeg -i day1.mp4 -ss 2:47:16 -to 2:57:46 day1-8-foster.mp4
    ffmpeg -i day1.mp4 -ss 2:58:17 -to 3:13:10 day1-9-glanzman.mp4
    ffmpeg -i day1.mp4 -ss 3:13:34 -to 3:23:42 day1-10-ward.mp4
    ffmpeg -i day1.mp4 -ss 3:24:02 -to 3:33:22 day1-11-reynier.mp4
    ffmpeg -i day1.mp4 -ss 3:45:52 -to 4:13:18 day1-12-clifford.mp4
    ffmpeg -i day1.mp4 -ss 4:15:17 -to 4:55:14 day1-13-shaffer.mp4
    which will copy ranges out of `day1.mp4` in to the named file.
  • Then, let this run. It's quite slow on my laptop but doesn't need any human interaction.