06 February, 2011

Using mrtg and iptables to record IPv4 vs IPv6 traffic

I wanted to plot IPv6 vs IPv4 traffic on my hosts - I have most services enabled for IPv6 but I know they don't get used much. I had MRTG already.

iptables on Linux counts bytes that pass through it, even if there are no iptables rules:

$ iptables -L -v -x
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 6079694 packets, 2474020715 bytes)

That counts ipv4 packets. The ipv6 equivalent is ip6tables.

So without needing to add any iptables rules at all, I can feed this output to mrtg with a script as follows, which outputs IPv4 traffic (for all three categories) as the first (input) variable, and IPv6 as the second(output) variable.

IP4=$(/sbin/iptables -L -x -v | grep -e ^Chain | sed 's/.* \([0-9]*\) bytes)$/\1/' | ( while read n ; do A=$(( $A + $n )) ; done ; echo $A))

IP6=$(/sbin/ip6tables -L -x -v | grep -e ^Chain | sed 's/.* \([0-9]*\) bytes)$/\1/' | ( while read n ; do A=$(( $A + $n )) ; done ; echo $A))

echo $IP4
echo $IP6
echo 0
echo unknown

On one host, there really is hardly any ipv6 traffic (2 bytes/sec!) so I turned on the log scale plot option in MRTG to show the ipv6 a bit more (though to be honest its still pretty invisible).

Here's the config I used in MRTG to call the above script:

Target[ip46]: `/home/benc/bin/iptables-to-mrtg`
Target[ip46]: `curl http://dildano.hawaga.org.uk/mrtg-iptables.txt`
options[ip46]: growright,logscale
MaxBytes[ip46]: 1000000000000
Title[ip46]: IPv4 vs IPv6
YLegend[ip46]: bytes/sec
LegendI[ip46]: IPv4
LegendO[ip46]: IPv6

and here's an example graph (live, click for historical data):


I'm summing the all three iptables chains: input, output, and forwarded, for all interfaces. So some traffic here can be counted unexpectedly: A forwarded packet traverses all three chains (I think) so this is not a good way to count traffic if your linux box is a router; The lo interface will also be counted, so traffic to localhost ( or ::1) will be counted in this graph. This might be useful to remove.

When there's a tunnel endpoint on the machine, then traffic to that tunnel will be counted twice: one as it passes the tunnel interface, and once as the encapsulated form passes the physical ethernet interface.

These are not insurmountable, I think: by setting specific iptables rules that address these concerns and counting traffic from those instead of the main chain counters.

1 comment:

  1. I doubt your shell script generating the plots is the hot spot but awk is fun. you should use awk.

    sudo /sbin/iptables -L -v -x | awk '/^Chain/ {x = x + $7}; END {print x}'

    I guess it is a little fragile if iptables changes the order of its output.
