17 March, 2011

time for visa transaction dispute!

so I took my laptop back to a-mac utrecht, as its still got its crash-every-three-days problem. They refused to either refund the money or replace the laptop with a new one. Whilst they said they would talk to apple about a replacement, this has gone far enough for a product that was defective as sold, so I'm going to take advantage of the transaction protections I apparently get from the consumer credit act (and Visa), and dispute the transaction.

I got a lovely comment from the manager of the store when I said that I would expect a kernel crash every one to two years not every three days, that he would expect it to never happen. Which is funny in a "yes we sold you crap but we won't fix it" way.


  1. hey, did you see this? http://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/03/20/1322248/2011-MacBook-Pros-Confirmed-To-Crash-Under-Load

  2. yeah I saw that on slashdot. Its different symptoms to mine though - mine is when its coming back from suspend from being fairly cold. Other people have made comments to me recently about generally shitty quality control in Macs recently, which makes me think if/when I get money back I should consider spending it on something other than a replacement macbook...

  3. thinkpad x220s should be available in a few weeks (usa i mean... no idea about rest of world)

  4. I used to have a thinkpad X series. i liked it lots mostly, though it didn't run linux very well which was an ass...
