08 October, 2012

yield zipper

Oleg wrote about converting an arbitrary traversable into a zipper.

His code uses delimited continuations, and I puzzled a while (years...) before starting to understand what was going on.

I just read Yield: mainstream delimited continuations.

It looked to me like I could easily change Oleg's zipper can be expressed using "yield" which gives a different view, that I think I might have understood more easily - because I know yield from other languages, and don't properly have my head around continuations (which is basically the point of the "Yield" paper, I think)

So then, my altered version of the zipper on Oleg's page, using yield:

>  import Data.Traversable as T

>  type Zipper t a = Iterator (Maybe a) a (t a)

>  make_zipper :: T.Traversable t => t a -> Zipper t a
>  make_zipper t = run $ T.mapM f t
>   where
>   f a = do
>     r <- yield a
>     return $ maybe a id r

This is run and yield pretty much as defined on page 10 of the yield paper:

>  data Iterator i o r = Result r | Susp o (i -> Iterator i o r)
>  yield x = shift (\k -> return $ Susp x k)
>  run x = reset $ x >>= return . Result

and some test code:

>  sample = [1,2,3]

>  main = do
>    let (Susp a1 k1) = make_zipper sample
>    print a1
>    let (Susp a2 k2) = k1 Nothing
>    print a2
>    let (Susp a3 k3) = k2 $ Just 100
>    print a3
>    let (Result end) = k3 Nothing
>    print end

and below, to make this posting properly executable, here's Oleg's library code for shift/reset:

> -- The Cont monad for delimited continuations, implemented here to avoid
> -- importing conflicting monad transformer libraries

>  newtype Cont r a = Cont{runCont :: (a -> r) -> r}

>  instance Monad (Cont r) where
>     return x = Cont $ \k -> k x
>     m >>= f  = Cont $ \k -> runCont m (\v -> runCont (f v) k)

>  reset :: Cont r r -> r
>  reset m = runCont m id

>  shift :: ((a -> r) -> Cont r r) -> Cont r a
>  shift e = Cont (\k -> reset (e k))

Update 1: Changed types from Oleg's Z | ZDone to the yield paper's Susp | Result

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